Sterilair PRO: The Simple Solution to Airborne Contamination
November 12 2020 | News
Along with social distancing and maintaining hygiene regimes, it’s vitally important to eliminate contaminants spread via ambient air. The Sterilair PRO is an Air Biological Treatment System, making it a key player in infection prevention.
Originally designed for use in healthcare facilities, the Sterilair PRO is now used globally in a range of indoor environments including offices, banks, hotels, restaurants, retail, etc. – anywhere there is a high turnover of people.
We’ve put together new summary documents to help answer any questions you may have about exactly what the Sterilair PRO does, and the science behind its efficacy. These documents are now available on our website (direct links below).
Sterilair PRO – what it does and how it works
Please get in touch with [email protected] for any further info and sales queries.
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